
At Green Life church, we believe in impactful learning and teaching, practicing the Word of God. So, our sermons are short, Interactive, participative and engaging. We incorporate elements that resonate with their interests, concerns, and learning styles of youth. Here are some strategies to consider:

19 ``Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Mathew 28 19:20

Green Life Ministries empowers its religious leaders to prepare and deliver a thoughtful and engaging speech that aims to convey important spiritual, moral, or ethical lessons to the congregation or audience.

Green Life Ministries learned that the effectiveness of a sermon is not solely determined by the speaker’s eloquence but by their ability to connect with the audience and deliver a meaningful message that resonates with their spiritual and personal lives.

Green Life Ministries ensures an effective sermon must faithfully communicate the truth of God's Word. Statistics, trends, illustrations, poems, antidotes, object lessons, pop artist rhymes, and dead theologians quotes can be helpful, but the truth is required. Not shades of truth, pieces of the truth, or truth mixed with lies. Green Life Church keeps an eye on the presentation of the Word of God effectively.

GLC preists always keep the following golden points in mind as they prepare their sermons:

Clear Theme

GLC recommends all preachers to have a well-defined and easily understandable central theme or message. This theme should resonate with the audience and provide a focal point for the sermon.

Scriptural Basis

It is advised all sermons should draw from religious texts, such as the Bible, Torah, or other sacred texts, to provide a solid foundation for the message being conveyed.

Engaging Introduction

GLC preachers initiate a captivating introduction that captures the audience’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the sermon. This involves a personal story, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful quote.

Logical Structure

A well-organized sermon follows a clear structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The body of the sermon should logically develop the central theme, using supporting points and examples.

Inspirational Content

The content should inspire listeners to reflect, make positive changes in their lives, and grow spiritually. This could involve sharing uplifting stories, illustrating the transformative power of faith, or demonstrating how principles from religious teachings can be applied to real-life situations.

Emotional Connection

Effective sermons evoke emotions that resonate with the listeners’ experiences. This emotional connection helps the audience connect with the message on a deeper level.

Clarity of Language

The GLC pastors use simple language that is clear, accessible, and appropriate for the audience. Avoid overly complex terminology or jargon that might alienate or confuse listeners.

Variety in Delivery

A good sermon employs a mix of storytelling, anecdotes, relatable examples, and references to religious texts to keep the audience engaged and interested.

Appropriate Length

A quality sermon is concise and respects the congregation’s attention span. While sermon lengths can vary, it’s important to strike a balance between conveying the message effectively and holding the audience’s interest.

Practical Application

Offering practical steps or actions that listeners can take based on the sermon’s message helps them apply the teachings to their everyday lives.


The speaker’s authenticity and sincerity are crucial. A genuine connection to the message and the audience enhances the impact of the sermon.

Respect for Diversity

Sermons should be inclusive and respectful of the diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences of the congregation.


A quality sermon is humble in its approach, recognizing that the speaker is also on a journey of learning and growth.

Sustainable Transportation

Opting for public transportation, biking, walking, or using fuel-efficient vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from personal travel.

Closing Remarks

A strong conclusion summarizes the main points, reinforces the central theme, and leaves the listeners with a sense of purpose or a call to action.


Our Commitment with Our
Lord Jesus Christ

Green Life Ministry and Church is on the spiritual path to comply with the holistic Green Commandment to keep the earth healthy and green so that followers of Jesus Christ and other people can be physically, economically, and spiritually strong to face the evil forces that want to weaken or destroy the earth.

Your Participation

You can also join us, and we all can enhance our spiritual comprehension to empower ourselves,
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to be able to take the Good News to the misled and unreached.